1. Do you think you’re hot?
=> It's not so important whether I think that myself, but my hubby always say so ;p! So thick skin hor?
2. Upload your favourite picture of you!

=> Sorry, most fav photo of me recently would definitely has little girl.
3. Why do you like that picture?
=> That was little girl's (15mths old) 1st international trip, I brought her to Hong Kong all by myself to meet up hubby. Photo was taken at the HK airport.
4. When is the last time you ate pizza?
=> It was Oct 2008, made by little girl.
5. The last song you listened to?
=> Couldn't recall, as I listened to Light & Easy or MYFM radio stations during my car journeys.
6. What are you doing right now beside this?
=> Nothing.
7. People you tag?
8. Who is number 1?
=> My big girlie, who introduced me to the blogging world!
9. Say something about number 5?
=> My ex-colleague, now a lecturer and mother of 2 lovely kids.
10. How about number 4?
=> Oso, my ex-colleague, now a homemaker just like me and mother of 2 lovely kids too.
11. Who is number 2?
=> She is one bentoing mum like me, but she is so creative on making her bentos cute!
12. number 3?
=> She is good at baking n bentoing, I was drooling all over with the bread she baked.
Hi Kel, thanks for tagging me, but I don't do tag. Anyway, thanks!!!
No problem, I myself malas to do it too, but since tagged by Emily, must do it lah :)
thks kel!!
Tks for tagging me Kel. Me also in the malas club but ready anytime for a cuppa!! ha ha
hi Kelly, i almost forgotten that i have created a blog.... :P....thanks for tagging me but i don't think i have time to do it nor update my blog.. :P
i don't even have any entry yet...:P
Hi Jess, why so busy? Thought in ur blog u said u wanna write about the happy moments with ur family? Pls find some time to post in something-lah! :)
Nice Picture!
Time sure flies... blogging is one GREAT way to record the times in one's life..... right ladies!!??
Agree, Emily!
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