Don worry, there were neither ants nor tree in the bento, oso it has nothing to do with ant or tree either. So, why using this theme? This is bcos stir-fry glass noodle (aka tong fan 冬粉) is having this name in Chinese, don ask me why, I just know it was called this way.
Contents of bento: stir-fry glass noodle with mushroom, bacon n garlic chives; sliced tomato, fried chicken (I bought from SS2 pasar malam last week), a container of tomato sauce n mayo and lastly cut kiwifruit.
Little girl couldn't finish the noodle, they were too long for her to chew on, I should have cut the glass noodle shorter to make it easier for her. Will take note.
Kel, do let me know if that new green box is good to use?
I heart glass noodles.
great use on the container. mine is still sitting and waiting :)
Hi girls, the container's compartments are a bit small for dipping food, however, little girl still enjoyed dipping the chicken with those sauces, with the help of her finger :)
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