I was feeling lazy again today, while preparing sandwich for little girl's breakfast, I made this marmite and butter sandwich along, rolled and cut it into 3 pieces. After our breakfast & showered little girl, I blanched 3 cheese cocktails, a crab stick and sliced a cucumber. Then skewered the cheese cocktail and marmite sandwich with the uncook angel hair stick and skewered the rest with food picks. This bento was ready within 15 minutes.

Baby snail has to close its eyes while daddy and mummy snail are having a slimy kiss :p
Snails r made of marmite sandwich and cheese cocktail, 3 skewers combination of crab stick, cheese cocktail and cucumber

A penguin bowl of pomelo, 3 chocolate balls and 2 marshmallows

Note of the day
ha ha ha...cute.
(o_<) Tq, javapot
Cute ... baby snails, what an idea!! Sure your girl finish them all :)
Thanks, Lia Chen & yes, she did finish it :p
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