Since most preparation for dinner was done b4 lunch, I started cooking dinner at about 6pm. Cooking simultaneously, which was quite fun in the kitchen. Dinner was ready in an hour, inclusive of time used on decorating the plates.

We started off with soup, ahem... Campbell classic mushroom soup, but I added lots of fresh button mushrooms... and garnished with spring onions.
3 of us having different main course:

This belong to little girl. She was having drumstick stuffed with cheddar cheese and spring onion (the only so call fresh herb I had in hand at that moment). Little girl enjoyed the chicken very much, ate 1/2 of it and downed all the cucumber and grape tomatoes, not forgetting the soup too! She really ate a lot today!

Hubby had deep-fried salmon, with stir-fried onion, garlic and button mushrooms. For the sides were broccoli, egg n pasta salad on left and some blanched broccoli stem n baby corn on right.

As for me, I had mini steak, blanketed with button mushroom, garlic, onion in red wine sauce, and having same salad n veggies as hubby's.

Happy New 2009 Year!
Happy New Year Kel!
May the new year brings you all that your heart desire!
Happy New Year Emily! Wish u the same too, 心想事成!
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