We found this advertisement from newspaper last nite, since it is held near my cousin in law's house, of course we couldn't miss it. We left home at about 12pm.

However, we stopped at the food court nearby to get the bottom items, My Melody name tag and jewelry set (bracelet and ring) before we headed to Tampines Mall.
The one on top is a Minnie Mouse ribbon hair clip we got from Toy'r us.

Then to NTUC Fair Price to get these pasta.

Then waited til 1pm for the show began, little girl was so happy to see Hello Kitty and My Melody live, she was ooh, ah, grinning thru out the show.
After the show, it was photo taking time, however, we didn't purchase enough to earn a voucher (didn't see clearly of the ad.), thus little girl couldn't have a chance to take photo with Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel, she was crying all the way out.

So trying to stop her cry and to comfort her, we offered her to play this token machine at Toy'r us. She played twice, got this Hello Kitty key chain and the Minnie Mouse hair clip (at 2nd photo on top).

We bought this shoe for little girl after lunch, this will be her 2nd converse! Hehehe... we r fan of converse!
We left S'pore at 4pm, spent some time and had dinner at Skudai, reached home at about 1am, a tiring journey back home.
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