Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Broccoli, Egg and Spiral Pasta Salad

We were home today, at the New Year's Eve, we'd decided to cook something different for dinner.  At about 11am, I'd interest little girl on helping me preparing lunch and some preparation for dinner.  I got her to skin off, cut and mash 3 hard boiled eggs, while I cut the broccoli, baby corns, blanched them and boiled the pasta.

Having fun mashing the egg yolks with her hands...

After working on the eggs, got her to play with this...

Crushing ginger, shallots and garlics for dinner preparation, she was having fun pounding it!

Little girl had the salad for lunch, tasted yummy, I like it too!

Kept a big bowl to chill out in the fridge for dinner

This salad was made base on instinct, thus most ingredients was agak-agak (base on rough estimation) only.


5 handful of spiral pasta 
1 broccoli
3 eggs, hard boiled
2 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp honey mustard
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4 lemon, juiced
lemon zest
salt and pepper to taste

  1. Cook pasta according to packet instructions, drain well
  2. Cut broccoli to bite size, blanch and drain well
  3. Separate the yolks from egg whites.  Dice egg whites and mash egg yolks finely.
  4. Mixed pasta, broccoli, eggs into a big mixing bowl, add in all ingredients, mix well
  5. Chill salad before serving.
A simple, yet delicious salad.

Happy New 2009 Year!

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