Hurray! The 100th bento finally!
In order to celabrate this 100th bento, Little girl has invited her cousin Y to join her for lunch. Thus I made them this charaben bento based on Kirby Mouse Attack, one of their favorite Nintendo DS game. Actually I was inspired by Anna the red's bento factory too as she'd make a posting on "how to make kirby rice ball" last week (and "how to make kirby sandwich" today!).
I asked the kids about their favorite ability of Kirby yesterday, little girl said she likes Cupid, whereas Y likes UFO.
It took me a very long time to complete this bento. I started sketching Kirby while watching my favorite Taiwanese variety show "天才衝衝衝" last nite. I decided to make not just 1 or 2 Kirby but 2 sets of Kirby transforming to its ability power - Cupid & UFO!

After the show, it was midnite, I started the preparations for Kirby: blanched crab sticks, fried the egg omelette, molding and fixing Kirby. I finished with 4 Kirby designs and 2 ability designs at about 1.30am. I don know what'd happened to me, I was so excited, kept thinking of the bento designs til I couldn't sleep, I think I only managed to catch those zzzz after 3am!
Lets have a look on Kirby transforming to Cupid:

Round & cute Kirby (ham as Kirby's head and arm, crab stick as rosy cheek & spark in eye, seaweed as eye & mouth and cherry tomato as leg)...

it found the cupid ability, swallowed it and (white crab stick as wings and omelette as ring)....

transformed to an adorable angel!
What about the UFO, lets have a closer look:

Normal happy little Kirby...

found the UFO ability (white crab stick & omelette as UFO)...

turned into a flying saucer after swallowing it.
Continued preparting the bentos again this morning at 9.30am, fried the low shi fan (a kind of noodle), julienned the omelette and lettuce, then packing everything into the boxes. I finished only at about 1 hour later. I can tell u, I'm entremely sleepy now, while typing this posting, but feeling wonderful and satisfy.

I added some carrot flowers into little girl's bento as she wanna it to be more girly, * roll eyes *

So, here is little girl's box, normal Kirby on some julienned crab stick, ability token on julienned omelette & seaweed, cupid Kirby on julienned lettuce and all were on top of a layer of fried low shi fan.
Little girl loves the bentos, when she saw Kirby in the boxes, she yelled: "Ooh! Kirby! So cute.... It's angel! & UFO!". She attacked Kirby 1st, munching it happily, then slowly into the noodle! She left a small portion of the fried low shi fan today, I didn't force her to finish up, as I gotta took care of Y, just rushed her to class when she said she is full.

This is Y's bento, as he don eat vegetable, I used julienned seaweed instead.
As for the picky eater Y, was not as excited as little girl (think due to the fever he had this morning), at 1st he refused to sit near to see his bento, until little girl insisted and told him it is Kirby the UFO, that put a little smile on his face, but he still refused to eat, oh well.

Oh yeah! They had these for dessert, orange slices, skinned longan and grapes. Do u notice something there? Too close, ok, lets see from another view...

this is a further view, can u see them now?
(can u see those 100s? Orange as 1 & longan as 00, LoL)

Finally, this was my box of lunch, simple yet wholesome :)
Phew! What a nite & morning! Definitely not going to make another of this again in a very near future...
Nevertheless, the 100th bento, did I really go thru all these? Can't believe it! Oh! Who cares, lets celebrate! The 100th bento! Hip-hip hurray!!!
Congratulations on your 100th bento and the cute Kirby. :)
Thx, shoppingmum.
Congrats on your 100th bento. Don't know who kirby is but cute. I like the UFO :)
wow, you are really great Kelly...so creative and patient....
Thx, javapot. The children like Kirby ever since they played the Nintendo DS game since last Dec. They still enjoy the game til now.
Aiyah! Jess, u made me blushing-d ;p Anyway, thx Jess!
congratulation! and nice nice one..
Thx, Cynthia!
Great bento, Kirby is so cute!
Thx, Susan.
WOW! You've gone all out for the 100th bento. Absolutely gorgeous... Congrats.
Thank you, 3lilangels.
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