Have u ever eaten the potato bread from Carrefour? It used to be very popular, everybody would grab 1 or 2 bags whenever they visited Carrefour, I did, didn't u? Is it still that popular now?
I gotta recipe from sifu Wendy Kor's Bread Code (my 1st bread recipe book). As I still have plenty of russet potato sitting in the pantry, I was more than happy to use it up for the recipe.

20 buns in 1 big cake pan

15 buns in a medium cake pan (for SIL's family) and 5 buns in a tiny chiffon cake pan

I just love this tiny loaf, looks so adorable, baked this specially for cousin B

... and now the texture, it didn't disappoint me, super soft & spongy!

I am glad that I tried the recipe
Have you got a recipe for that bread? Potato bread in Northern Ireland is a flat bread like this:
I'd like to try this version :0)
Wow, beautiful bread! Looks so yummy too!
Hi, arkonite_babe, thanks 4 the link, the Irish version potato bread sound easy to make too, is the texture dense or soft type?
I'll email u the recipe a few days later (I don have the book with me now), don wanna get trouble with those copyright issue, ;) hope u don mind.
Thanks, Susan.
Kel the recipe is soft when you make it but as it's a flat bread type, it's not spongy like regular bread. So in that respect I guess you could say it's dense too!
I can't wait for you to email the link to me, I look forward to trying it!
Thanks for the info again, arkonite_babe, I'll give it a try soon. And will email u the recipe soonest possible, sorry for the wait.
wah, u very pandai now baking bread huh :) looks yummy.
Learned it from u & books only, sifu ;p
Can you email me the recipe too? :)
No problem, Jun Ho, just give me ur email address will do.
Hi Kel,
May I pretty please have the recipe too? I live overseas and have massive cravings for this! My email is wenxin@live.com
Ok, Wen Xin, will email u right away, hope u'll like it, have fun :)
Thank you sooo much Kel! They were incredible (tempted to finish the whole thing myself), transports me right back to Malaysia. =))) Thank you... for bringing Malaysia to me.
Hi Wen Xin, I'm glad u like the bread and made u so happy, I'm happy to hear from another successful baker too :)
hi Kel~ your potato bread looks so delicious!! I miss it so much. Could I please please have the recipe too? My email is seductivepatterns@gmail.com
Thank you so much!!
Hi, Joy, sure, will email u soon. Enjoy!
Thanks sooooo much kel! :D i bought my ingredients today. please keep on blogging :)!!
That's great, Joy! Have fun and don forget to update ya ;p
hi there, was wondering if you'd be willing to share this recipe to me as well. i miss it too much! my email is z.chan1@uq.edu.au
thanks so much!
Sure, Z.Chan, email u right away!
Hi, i've been looking for this recipe for a very long, would you mind send it to me? thanks heaps. :)
Hi Y.u.A, sorry for the late reply. I can't locate your email address, can u please send your email addr.
Hi kel, the bun looks good! Was wondering if u could share the recipe with me. I miss potato bun so so much. My email is yivonnechan@gmail.com
Thank you in advance!:)
Hi, the potato bun looks lovely, do you mind sharing the recipe to me? Thanks... Donnafellicia@yahoo.com
Hi Donna, will email u soon
Hi, Can i also have the recipe for the potato bread? I absolutely love it! I've been trying so hard to look for it where i live but they don't have it. So i would really appreciate it if you could send me the recipe.
Email: ff.jenz_00@hotmail.com
I'm searching so long for this recipe. Your buns look so yummy. Could you please email me the recipe vgiel@hotmail.com . Thanks!!
I have tried this bread when I visited Malaysia last year and they were sensational, the pictures you posted look very close to them. I have been trying to find a close recipe but wasn't very lucky, would greatly appreciate it if you can send me the recipe at iman.akef@gmail.com
Thanks :)
hey, ur potato bread look so tempting...would u mind send me the recipe of it? it would be much appreciated :) thanks.
Hi, sorry for the late reply & as you didn't provide me your email address, I am not able to send you the recipe, please send me your email address.
can i also have the recipe?
my email ->
thanks kel..
hi.. same here.. been looking for the recipe.. pls email to me too pls..
Thanks a million in advance..:D
Hello! The bread looks wonderful. Can you email the recipe to me please? Thanks!
My email is leeliankong@gmail.com :)
I love love love this bread. Can you send me the recipe please? debbie.cheong@gmail.com
Thanks so much!
Hi! Your bread looks so delicious! Can i please have the recipe? Thankyou!
Hi there! I love potato bread! And I love baking too :) can I have this recipe? My email is gurz_96@hotmail.com.. Thanks and you're awesome!
Hi, I'd love the recipe please, I'm Malaysian and I'm craving this bread! Please email at vvk223@mun.ca
Could I have the recipe too?
I used to love it.
Ia m in Australia now and would like to have some! Yum
My email add: eulim@yahoo.com
Kindly send me recipe also :-)
Could I please have this recipe? Craving this so much!
Hi Kel, I miss these bread so much. I am searching for recipe, since I can't get it here in the States. Can you email me the recipe at meigiechoy@gmail.com? Maggie
Hi. Hope you can share the recipe with me too. Here's my email
Can't wait to hear from you soon!
Hi. I hope you can share the recipe with me too. Here's my email
Can't wait!!!
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