As I mentioned over the previous post, I didn't get to bake bread since parent's house started renovation, I was so yearning for a loaf of home baked bread. After browsing thru Carol's blog again, I found her brown rice & spinach bread very interesting, but since I don have brown rice, I used barley rice to replace it.
When I was measuring the ingredients, I was surprised to find out that there was no liquid in her recipe, I double checked her blog and was confirmed, as it comes from the spinach. With feelings of half trusting half doubting (半信半疑), unsure and worried, I started hand-kneading the bread dough, in front of the TV! Hahaha.... make full use of time mah....
At the beginning, the mixture was very dried, I was really worried... but after kneaded for about 10 minutes, ok, a dough started to form, but once I added the butter, it became very very wet, til it sticked all over my hand... Oh o... should I add more flour now... better not, just continue kneading more... after kneaded for another 20 minutes or more, it slowly forming a ok looking dough and turned non sticky, phew! See, u really need some patients to hand knead the bread dough.

100g barley and rice, mashed
200g high protein flour
100g whole meal flour
3/4 tsp instant yeast
40g sugar
5g salt
40g butter
150g spinach leaves, finely chopped

I think I didn't knead enough as it didn't raise fully, not that spongy. Also, I didn't mashed the barley properly, thus those barley near the crust part had turned hard, but little girl found it interesting to nibble on the barley in her bread

Tasty on its own or with cheese
Verdict: 3 satisfied tummies and a pair of tiring arms. I think Popeye the sailor will be glad to have a loaf of this bread, po poo.... ;)