X'mas tree biscuits
I baked these biscuits for little girl's children day & farewell party celebration. I baked them on Wed after icing little girl's birthday cake, and decorated them on Thu. The recipe was adapted from Famous Cuisine magazine issue 41 (11/2006).
Biscuit ingredients
160g unsalted butter
100g icing sugar (sifted)
1 egg yolk
1/4 tsp vanilla essence
2 hard boiled egg yolk (grated)
240g plain flour
- Cream butter and sifted icing sugar until creamy. Add in egg yolks, vanilla essence and gated hard boiled egg yolk. Whisk until light and fluffy.
- Fold in sifted flour to form a dough. Wrap well and refrigerate for 1 hour.
- Preheat oven to 175 C. Roll out the dough between two sheets of silicon paper, about 5mm. Use shape knife to cut out snow man shapes. (I used some molds to help out)
- Bake for 10 -15 minutes or until golden brown. Leave to cool. Decorate with ornamental icing.

Bell biscuits
Ornamental icing ingredients
125g icing sugar
1 egg white
1 tsp lemon juice
- Sift the icing sugar. Beat with egg whites and lemon juice in a mixer over low speed. Beat until soft and smooth, about 20 minutes.
- If not using icing immediately, keep bowl covered with a damp tea towel to prevent the icing too dry.
- Spoon icing into paper piping bag with tip cut to make a small hole. Pipe decorative outlines and design on each biscuit.
- With another paper piping bag fill with difference colored icings. Pipe your design color on the biscuits.

Magic wand biscuits
Verdict: my cousins tried out a few, they said it tasted like the famous Kjeldsens Denmark cookies, hahaha... The differents r I made it a bit too thin and it is not as crunchy as the Kjeldsens'. Little girl's classmates liked the biscuits, I think they were more attracted to the colorful icing and sprinkles, ;p
great xmas cookies. tks for this post, also planning to make some sugar cookies. these look great and colourful :)
Thanks, I like ur honey holiday cookies too.
early xmas pressie for u....got 2 awards for u (he he he): 1) Kreative Blogger award and 2) Happy Mama Blogger.
come get them ya :)
Thanks, javapot, will find time to post it up, :)
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