My version was mashed avocado and tuna chunks, added pinch of salt n pepper and some lime juice.
I had it on 2 pieces of my self baked whole meal loaf, filling n yum!
The only complaint was the avocado I had was slightly raw at the center, thus gave out a hint of bitterness after savoring the sandwiches, gotta drink lots of water to drain off the bitterness.
Hi Kel!
I had to wait patiently for a couple of days for the avocado to ripen to a really SOFT texture.. like silicon softness?
The ones I bought was green when unripen and dark brown when they are ready to be eaten!
Actually my mum bought the avocado from Indonesia a month ago (I think so), I left it in fridge for weeks, it was still green but soft when I touched it. Mana tau inside was still raw :(
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