I love snack, especially those savory snacks, this round I'm trying out this snack from Taiwan => garlic chives in box, 韭菜盒子. I googled search for the recipe, but since I'm a bit malas (lazy) today, I just agak-agak (rough estimated) the ingredients and used the onion flavored frozen roti prata for the outer skin (Hey! Another experiment of roti prata!)

The ingredients I used: lots of chopped garlic chives (the green color leaves underneath), chopped button mushrooms (left), dried shrimps (top), cooked n cut glass noodle (right) and minced chicken (center). As for the seasoning, used only pinch of salt, pepper and a drizzle of soy sauce.

Here was how it looked after shallow-fried (with no oil), crispy skin and soft fillings, hmm.... yummy! Couldn't stop myself from sampling it after taking this photo :)

With 4 slices of roti prata, makes 12 pieces of the garlic chieves in box, with 1 tiny piece of roti left (on top).
Little girl had a piece after her pre-school, dipping with ketchup, she loves it! Usually she dislike garlic chives, but she didn't complain at all when she ate this!
I like this snack very much too, will definitely do it again!
P/s According to this site, may change the garlic chives to cabbage, pak choy, or any other vegetables.
12 pcs out of 4 roti - triangles ah? Looks yummy! I heart chives too!
aiyaks, that was me!
Do try it out, very yummy!
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