Had been busy, busy and super busy lately, with illness, and some hse-hold works need to take care of.
It's bento day for little girl today, thought of making her a bake rice with cheese last nite (as she adores the baked rice from Kim Gary restaurant), but little girl preferred to have angel hair than rice.

I timed myself for the whole bento preparation process (using a stopwatch), most of the ingredients were pre-cooked last nite, I just need to cook the sauce, put in prawn, chicken, mushroom, cheese and pasta, then baked it for about 10 minutes. While baking, I cut the fruits, then finally place everything into the bento box. The whole process took me slightly less than 38 minutes, inclusive of cleaning and washing of kitchenwares.

The dirty faced monster was a combination of baked cheese, prawn, chicken & mushroom carbonara pasta (it was a cheat version of carbonara, as I used Vono mushroom & cheese soup powder to make do the sauce), with edamames as eyes, prawn as smiling mouth, ketchup as rosy cheeks and broccoli as hair.

As for dessert was skewers of a kiwifruit and 2 paradise pears. The little tomato container hold some sesame dressing for the broccoli.
Little girl likes the monster, she finished up the pasta, left with a few pieces of broccoli and fruits.
P/s Posted this bento to Bento Challenge with the theme of "Monsters".
YOur baked monster rice sounds interesting, not to mention easy to make to!!
Hi, javapot, it was a baked monster pasta :)
Nice meeting u earlier, glad u able to recognized me just thru the photo u saw thru blogs, good memory u have!
yes i was quite surprised too that i could recognize u too. Hope you are feeling better now.
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