Today little girl requested mini croissant for her snack bento, I spread some cream cheese in it. Then she asked to cut it into small pieces and chose the new food picks - the duckie family.
She had it with another 3 grape tomatoes.
After her school, she told me this:
LG: Mummy, I gave HL (one of her best friend) 1 mini croissant
Me: Oh ya? I thought ur teacher said no sharing food?
LG: She didn't see mah.
Me: Ok, it's alright if u want to share with ur friend, so did HL like the mini croissant?
LG: She said "hmmmm" after she ate it.
Me: Very good!
I was so happy to hear that her little friend likes her food too!
Nice of her to share with her friends .. but why the teacher does not allow sharing?
I think may be some parents dislike passing food among children => passing bacteria along too.
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