It is an official school opening today and little girl reports to her new primary school. I was in the school with her til recess, she was fine thru out the day, only with a minor cry. I quickly walked to the canteen the moment I saw her pout her lips, acted as if I didn't notice ;p When I came back to her class, I was hiding from her, seeing her friends from ex-preschool comforting her. After a while, when the BM teacher started the class, she was ok again.
She asked for bento instead of the catering food in canteen, thus today is my official day to start bento again for 2010.

I had no idea on what to prepare her nor able to think of any theme yesterday, think the brain has been idle for too long, turned rusty, or is it the sign of aging? Sigh...
Used about 15 minutes to prepare this bento. The idea was popping only while I was preparing it, it just flowed in by itself, phew!

Rabbita is the name of little girl's pet in Pet Society, of course her pet looks much prettier than this. In the bento, Rabbita is laying on top of a thin layer of chicken and it was made of ham sandwich, it is wearing the nori school uniform (couldn't find any dark blue to match the uniform color). At the side of Rabitta are some balloons (cherry tomatoes) and tulips (cheese sausage) celebrating the school opening.

A container of mayo for the sausage & chicken and some fan shaped kiwifruit.
Little girl enjoyed her bento with a new friend (a girl who cried a bit too after her mum left). She almost cleaned the bento today, with only some chicken left in the box.
nice bento, i'm sure little girl looks forward to them and how fun, can share too :)
wow, this cute bento must be cheers up your girl in her first day at school..
Hi javapot, there were some small dramas from little girl, but I think she'll definitely got thru it, as she has no choice. Yeah, forgot about placing some choc for her to share, will do it 2moro.
Thanks, mushima hawani! In fact, it did, luckily able to make up a cute bento in time for her.
Great bento to kick-start the new year. I have yet to crank up my engine, still in holiday mood, oops. :)
I'm sure in no time your girl will kiss you good-bye upon reaching school ground, cheers!
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