I was quite reluctant to post these photo up earlier as this is not a bento at all, well, as a record of remembrance for little girl, I tot I should better post it :p
I brought these chocolate chip cookies back from mum's yesterday, this is one of little girl favorite CNY cookies. She requested to have it as snack today, and as my lazy bones kick in, I said yes to her.

Chocolate chips cookies

Orange slices

Note of the day
Yeah, u saw baby there, u know what happened yesterday, another drama at the gate again, sigh...
Don know what happened to little girl today, ate only a piece of cookie, a few slices of orange and didn't drink much of the water at all... worry... worry... worry...
Now, something to make me happy, received this award from Bentolicious, as it does not have any rules to follow, I'm more than happy to post it up. Thanks again, Lia Chen! Love ur blog very much too, love the color & creativity of ur bentos and all the details u shared.

It's normal for your little girl to be moody occasionally....for first half of last year, my girl (std 1 then) also behave like that on and off....i also got so worried but very soon it will be over....after some time, i noticed, she will be fine once i'm away but i understood that it's very difficult let go but have to have a stronger heart else the situation will drag longer...take care.
Thanks, Jess, for the kind comments. Just keep my fingers cross & hope that she'll get over it fast, sigh...
She was always fine when she went into the gate, only the moment entering the gate troubling her. My heart always feel so painful after seeing her dramas, sigh... of course I didn't let her drama for too long.
give her some time to adjust. maybe if u don't remind so much about the crying it will eventually stop? there are a lot of distractions during recess, so i am not surprise they eat less, slower, etc. the choc chips look good though :)
Hi, javapot, from my 3 yrs experiences, I dare not mention the word 'cry' b4 her school time!
Hohoho, those chocolate chips cookies r my fav too, super crunch & chocolaty!
Probably can try the sticker reward system that if there's no drama, she can get a sticker to redeem for something after collecting a few stickers? Just a suggestion, not tried and tested tho.
Those cookies are so loaded with chocolate chips!! Benefits of home-made versus commercial ones.
Hahaha... thanks for the suggestions HK, u gave me an idea... yes...
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