Another small & simple bento, assembled in less than 10 minutes.

Little girl's favorite ketchup fried rice

Put in more veg/fruits as she didn't drink much water

Message of the day
I was giving little girl very small bento these days, however, she still not able to eat even half of the contains, sigh... She had only a few spoons of the fried rice, and didn't touch the rest today, what was wrong here? Was it the lack of time to eat? Or was it due to not able to talk in class and was feeling relieve til talking too much than eating during recess? I don know....
Love the nice and loving touch on the note ... kids always love that, don't they? Delicious fried rice I can tell :)
Thanks Lia Chen, yes she loves the notes, I got the idea of placing note with bento from a cousin.
Yeah tasty fried rice but she got a few bites only, :(
Tasty fried rice that you can do so fast, couple with packing the bento in 10 minutes, that's really efficient. I think I easily need double of that time.
Hi, HK Choo, actually the 10 minutes used for packing only, not inclusive of cooking time lah, hehehe....
Ah I see, noted!
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