I made this for little girl's breakfast this morning, took me quite some time (about 1/2 hour), especially the wording part. Little girl was delighted to see it, but she complained a bit on the time I took preparing her breakfast.
The ox was made of:
1. cut 1st bread to form ox's head, spread with nutella
2. cut 2nd bread to form ox's nose, ears and horns, spread ears and horns with butter
3. place 2 dried blueberries as nostril
4. cut 2 cheese circles to form ox's eyes, and 2 chocolate chips as eye balls
The wording was arranged with caramel barley pops. At the beginning I just arranged them on the plate, they were in a mess easily whenever I moved the plate. Therefore, I spread some strawberry yogurt onto the plate, re-arrange the wording, it was nice n neat then.
I won't be able to blog 2moro onwards til next Tue, so wishing u out there "Happy Moo Moo Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai!"