Thursday, January 8, 2009

Salty Cucumber

Since stewed pork belly rice is so meaty and oily, I made this pickle to go along with it, at least wouldn't feel too heavy. I got the recipe from the same book of the stewed pork belly rice, so for sure it won't go wrong with the rice.


3 cucumber
1 white cloth
2 cloves garlic
120ml water
1 plastic bag


1 tsp salt
1 tsp mushroom flavor seasoning (substituted with 1 tbsp men shoyu)
2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp chili sauce (skipped)

  1. Wash cucumber, cut into thick chucks, rub with 1 tsp salt evenly, marinate for 20 minutes til cucumber sweat, use a piece of white cloth to squeeze out juice from cucumber.
  2. Skinned garlic, wash and chop.
  3. Mix all ingredients from Seasoning, water and garlic into cucumber, mix well. Pour cucumber mixture into a plastic bag, press out air from plastic bag, seal tight. Let cucumber marinate for 2 hours in fridge.
  4. Serve cold.

I skipped chili sauce cos little girl couldn't tahan (stand) even tiny bit of chili flavor. Yet she don fancy this marinated cucumber due to the garlic, however hubby & me just love it.

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