Have any left over rice (cooked) at fridge? Good, u r able to make this rice cracker within 30 minutes. Got recipe from "Good Idea" (生活智慧王).
The ingredients are simply some cooked rice, a splash of soya sauce and sugar. You may need rolling pin, sling film, cute molds, grease paper and a microwavable plate.
1. Preheat rice in microwave on High for 1 minute
2. Mash rice in between 2 sling film (best usuing hand)
3. Use rolling pin to roll mashed rice to very flat and thin, about 0.1 cm (still in between the sling film)
4. Mold out small pieces of mashed rice
5. Place mashed rice on oiled grease paper (the rice is very sticky)
6. Microwave for 3 minutes on High
7. Turn rice over, microwave for another 3 minutes
8. While rice cooking in microwave, mix soya sauce and sugar until sugar dissolve
9. Brush sauce mixture over rice, microwave for 1 minute
10. Turn rice over, brush sauce, microwave for another 1 minute. Let cool, done
Be careful over (8) and (9), u may need to stand guard in front of the microwave oven, use less time if rice cracker turning dark.

Little girl let me had a piece only, she loves it, though she said it was very hard before that.
P/s Hm.... U need very strong teeth to chew these cracker, be careful of your teeth ya!
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