As little girl started her holiday early (due to few H1N1 cases reported) n we preferred not to bring her out to crowded places, she stuck at home felling terribly bored. I let her made some 3D sticker with the following materials (I learned it from 生活智慧王):

A bottle of white glue, some water color paint, plastic plate, tooth picks...

a plastic and some beautiful drawings...
As I'm one who is not good in free hand drawing, I traced the drawings or characters that little girl wanna from her sticker books, comics or magazines.

a closer look of the drawing...

after filling it with colors, waiting for drying up.

Others little girl made for her cousin Y

more for herself...

she made this sometimes ago...

to beautify her study chair.
Good Job Mommy! Cutesy!
TQ, Emily!
That's way cool. Too bad only check your blog on the last day of hols. Now have to wait for next hols to make this.
Hehehe... there is never too late... Advice: u draw those black outer lines b4 kids start project, it'll b easier when they r dried.
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