Parent threw a big party on X'mas day, not that they were Christian, but more to hold a 'grand-opening' for their 2 newly renovated toilets 新屎坑 (joked by SIL) and a bigger kitchen , hahaha.... :p
Actually it was for the 2 birthday girls, SIL (birthday on X'mas eve) and little girl. We had planned our menu 2 to 3 weeks ago, every families (about 7 families) would bring in some food to cater the big group of relatives.

Our buffet line

With about 15 delicious dishes (I lost count, just so many of them), from Western to Chinese, and local

The main actor for this show - roast turkey
Had decorated it for fun while resting it
Mum roast this beautiful turkey, and it was so, so, so succulent!
Another of mum's must cook dish for party - roast lamb leg
Dad contributed this local salad - pickle chopped onions, cucumbers and pineapple
Aunt came early to help mum preparing this dish - fried prawn and a big pot of fried meehoon (rice vermicelli, may find at photo of buffet line)
Aunt's must cook item for every party - kau zhi
SIL's mum came early to cook this dish too, the stuffed yau char kuai
and she brought some cute jelly for dessert (may see at photo of buffet line)
God mum cooked this yummy sticky rice (loh mai fan)
It was so good that hubby requested to tapao (pack away) home!
Chicken curry from god mum
Have u ever see purple potatoes? No, not sweet potatoes, but potatoes, sis & me found them at Cold Storage, Jaya One, we were so surprised to see potatoes as black as charcoal (the outer layer)!
Sis made this beautiful 2 tones potato salad
The super crunchy cocktail sausages from Euro deli, sponsored by sis
It is now presenting dishes prepared by yours truely:
Guinness stout shepherd pie
A dish cooked to ease dad's crave but I poured in the whole can of Guinness stout which resulting a strong flavor pie, which was not accepted by most people ;p (will post the recipe soon)
Baked mac & cheese
An easy dish, used the Kraft's pokemon cheese mix and added some chopped smoked sausages, baked a small quantity (not very confident with the cheese mix) and it was fast wiped out by the kids
Cookie dough was helped prepare by me, molded by HT (god bro's eldest son), picky eater Y and little girl, whereas the decorations was done by SWM, SKS, SKY (niece & nephews), little girl, me & mum, ok, I know, we r not artistic at all ;p
I think there were a few dishes that we didn't capture the photo, like mum's sago pudding, neighbor auntie's pot stickers, god bro's ice creams, etc, there was so many of dishes flowing in.
Although there were about 50 peoples in the party, there was still plenty of food leftover by the end of the nite, but every family was happy tapaoing (packing) home. I believe all of us were home with full belly and boxes of goodies.
The most fun moment of the party was during the present exchange time, SIL had placed number on each present kids brought over and had each of them to pick their lucky number from a box. I was almost drown by the kids while distributing the presents, gotta keep asking them to sit still ;) Once all the kids had their present on hand, I called out 'u may open your present now!', all the kids gave a loud cheer & started tearing off the wrapper at the same time! It was so fun to see those happy, excited faces, really priceless!