Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Salmon and Mayo Angel Hair Bento (357)

Fried a big piece of salmon fillet last night, had some for dinner and kept the other half for this bento and our lunch.

After cooking and draining the angel hair, tore salmon into chunks, mixed all with mayo and seasoned with bit of salt and pepper.

Fast and simple, bento was ready in 15 minutes.

Salmon chunks and mayo angel hair, garnished with some cucumber slices



Jess said...

Kelly, how do you make sure that the angel hair don't stick together when little eat it during her recess time?

Jess said...

Kelly, will the angel hair stick together? how do you make sure that they don't stick together when little girl eat them later?

kel said...

1st I washed the starch off the pasta after cooking, then added a few drops of olive oil to it. After mixing with mayo, it was oily enough to become non-sticky.